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An E Cigarette Health Warning – Should You Use Them?

An E Cigarette Health Warning – Should You Use Them? An increasing number of people are discovering the advantages of the electronic cigarette and so are beginning to make the change from tobacco to the e cigarette. Folks are starting to recognize that the dangers of smoking are simply too high. Also the cost of…

Vaporizer Dangers – What Are the Vaping Difficulties?

Vaporizer Dangers – What Are the Vaping Difficulties? Most vaporizers are not going to have any sort of warnings for potential buyers regarding the vaporizing hazards associated with them. When it comes to the actual product, all they want to tell you is that it’s very safe. It’s only a matter to getting it home…

Vaporizing ELECTRIC CIGARETTES – Are They Dangerous?

Vaporizing ELECTRIC CIGARETTES – Are They Dangerous? There is a lot of discussion on the subject of electric cigarettes and vapour. But there’s one thing that everyone appears to forget or be confused about. The main reason that electric cigarettes are so dangerous is basically because they are a gateway drug for hard core tobacco…

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